Electro Harmonix Nano Pog preset mod
Find it here.
Work in progress
Electro Harmonix Nano Pog preset mod
Find it here.
A customer pedal up for a double preset mod.
The mod is to give it an extra set of pots and stompswitch for for a switchable preset.
The Vibrolux Reverb modded with master volume, mid tone control and an all tube effects loop. Here’s an image with aftermarket Blackface knobs for the loop, master and tone control.
The prototype of the Zeta Sound Lady Luck tube pedal.
A prewiev of Lady Luck, based on the Wurlitzer organ vibrato.
An old version of the Boss CS-1 compressor with the bypass indicator wired as battery check led. Led is only active with the footswitch pressed down.
Circuit board modified for led indicator as “effect on”.
Repair of an old Ibanez UE 3030B multieffect.
Fixed an annoying 100Hz hum.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Zeta Sound
A dual overdrive that turned in to a single one.
Symtom, green led lights up but passes no sound.
Surface mounted circuit board.
All voltage readings came out fine. Traced the signal loss at the joint between C12 and R16 and resold the joint at C12. So we got ourself a dual overdrive again.
Here’s a mod for the Morley Power Wah Volume pedal. The mod places the boost as a stand alone circuit, giving the option to toggle it in with an extra stompswitch installed with a LED indicator for effect on. It affects both volume and wah circuit in this configuration.
Updating an old boss CS-3 pedal to work with a normal PSA adapter.
Now, it’s a simple mod, just remove and jumper a resistor and a diode.
For info about ACA and PSA adapters visit stinkfoot.se